Supporting your teenage son or daughter as they mature in identity and independence may be a challenge. However, as a parent you know it is important that you continue to communicate your love. In deciding how you will support your child as they participate in SYLC, choose ideas that match your style and meet your goals. The following list of ideas is provided to help you develop your own strategy for support.
Talk to your son or daughter about how they feel as they approach the SYLC program. Discover or take interest in the ways your son or daughter may become involved in leadership or service.
Set aside a time during the day to pray for your son or daughter and for all youth preparing for leadership.
A Sample Prayer:
Dear God our Creator, we thank you for entrusting (name) to our family's special care. Bless our son/daughter with renewed faith, joy and courage to be the person you created him/her to be. May he/she grow in ability and strength as a bearer of your love for others, especially, among his/her peers. Amen.
Set aside a time or a special meal to hear about the experience. You might want to talk about some of the following:
Be supportive of the new ways they will be seek to be involved in service to their local communities.