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What every Catholic should know about lent - PDF Download
Lenten Lectio 2021
(By: Fr. Gael Sullivan, SDB - SS. Peter and Paul Parish, San Francisco) - PDF Download
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As church demographics shift, Catholics urged to address 'sin of racism'
Editorial: New dialogue on the old problem of racism
Empowering Church Leaders to Address Racism
Empowering Young People in the Aftermath of Hate (In English and en Español)
The assumptions of white privilege and what we can do about it
Black theology and a legacy of Oppression - PDF
Breaking Silence on Racism- PDF
Brothers and Sisters to Us - PDF
Still Separate, Still Unequal - PDF
Catholic Social Teaching (CST) and Racism - PDF
Decoding the DOD Film Reflection - PDF
Examining Our Subconscious Perceptions - PDF
High School Activity: Structures of Sin and Racism - PDF
How can Catholics help lead the fight against racism? - PDF
If bishops want to face racism, own your own complicity, theologian says - PDF
The Racial Divide in the United States: A Reflection for the World Day of Peace 2015 - PDF
Prayer: The Elimination of Racism - PDF
Responding to the Sin of Racism - PDF
Response to Presentation on Racism and US Religious Life - PDF
Statement of U.S. Bishop Chairmen in Wake of Death of George Floyd and National Protests - PDF
Stations of the Cross: Overcoming Racism - PDF
Study Guide: Open wide our Hearts - PDF
Systemic racism is pro-life issue, and Catholics must step up - PDF
The Catholic Church and the race question - PDF